Chiropractic, Back Pain & the World Health Organisation Guidelines

Chiropractic, Back Pain & the World Health Organisation Guidelines
Exeter Chiropractic Clinic

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has incorporated chiropractic care into the latest guidelines for managing chronic low back pain. For us at the Exeter Chiropractic Clinic, this is a milestone that supports our commitment to holistic well-being and is a testament to the growing global recognition of chiropractic efficacy.


The WHO's decision signifies a paradigm shift toward a holistic and multidisciplinary approach to managing chronic low back pain. This move aligns with the philosophy we uphold at Exeter Chiropractic Clinic, emphasising patient-centred care, collaboration with other healthcare professionals, and fostering a trust-based partnership between practitioners and patients. The WHO's acknowledgment of chiropractic interventions as a valuable part of a collaborative approach to back pain underscores their effectiveness, validating the positive experiences many have had with chiropractic care.


This acknowledgment is rooted in the growing body of evidence supporting chiropractic interventions, showcasing their efficacy in providing relief and improving the quality of life for those grappling with one of the most prevalent and costly health conditions. The integration of chiropractic care into the WHO guidelines not only places chiropractic on a global stage but also highlights its importance in the overall healthcare landscape.


As a patient seeking relief from chronic low back pain or someone interested in preventive care, the inclusion of chiropractic in the WHO guidelines offers a recognised and evidence-backed option for managing your condition. It opens doors to a patient-centric approach to healthcare that considers the individual aspects of each patient, and tailors treatment accordingly to optimise the patient’s health and wellbeing.


The integration of chiropractic care into the WHO guidelines is an important step for the chiropractic profession. If you are curious about how chiropractic care can benefit you or if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. We are here to support you on your journey to a healthier, pain-free life!


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